Nature Club
A Higher Education Institution has a significant role to play in sensitizing its students about environment. It is essential that an HEI develops love for nature in its students and makes them aware about the problems and hazards of environment degradation so that the students see the importance of eco-friendly life style. We have set up a Nature Club in the college to fulfill this duty. Ms. Sandhya Parikh is the convener of Nature Club. There are 86 students enrolled in this club.
Activities carried out by the Nature Club :
- Tree plantation drive in the college campus.
- A “Charchasabha” on Medicinal Plants and Their Usefulness
- Prepared posters and charts on environment awareness, different types of pollution, health hazards and preventive measures.
- Clean campus drive
- Presentation on Hospital Waste Management
- Bird Watching
- Film shows on global warming, environment degradation, eco-friendly life-styles etc. to create awareness among the students about their environment and to sensitize them to their role in preserving their environment.

Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Ms.S.N.Parikh | Members |
2 | Dr.(Ms)G.P.Mankad | Members |
3 | Dr.R.D.Raviya | Members |