
- The Central Library of the institution plays a proactive role to ensure that the information resources are acquired and organized to meet the present and future needs of its users. It is central and common to all the academic activities of the college. It provides a place to study, material for study and services to assist study. Faculty and students have access to library from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. The library is equipped with about 5000 books on various subjects such as Chemistry, Microbiology, Physics, Biology, Foods and Nutrition, Family Resource Management, Clothing and Textile, Extention Education etc., and a number of periodicals and magazines covering a variety of subjects. The library has INFLIBNET and NLIST (online library) for all faculty members and students. The institution has a full time librarian.
- Borrowing & Circulation
- Reference Service
- Digital Information Service
- Career Information Service
- User Training Programmes
- Current Awareness Bulletin
- Document Delivery Services
- Inter Library Loan
- Open Access e-Resources
- Popular Magazines
- Springer eBooks
- Worldcat