
1st May 1960 was the day of new beginning for Gujarat when it got a status of separate state. Since the state hood, Gujarat has never looked back and achieved many milestones and has led the way for other states to emulate. True, the state has through its rich culture, deep rooted heritage and colorful vibrancy has compelled everyone to look at the state with awe and respect. Saptadhara – An initiative stared for the all round development of students in higher education has vision of even better Gujarat, A vision of a prosperous Gujarat, A vision where every Gujarati person is educated, A vision where every Gujarati person is healthy, A vision of a clean Gujarat, A vision of Green Gujarat, A vision of modern Gujarat. This is the vision of the leaderof our nation– Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, who thinks that the youth of the state will have to play a key role to achieve this dream. To exploit the potential of today’s youth and utilize it for the fulfillment of the dream of ‘Golden Gujarat”, several activities have been started under the Saptadhara – the seven streams namely the Gyan Dhara, Geet Sangeet Nritya Dhara, Natya Dhara, Rang Kala Kaushalya Dhara, Sarjanatmak Dhara, Samuday Seva Dhara, and Khel Kud Dhara.

Our college is actively carrying out all the activities of Saptadhara since its inception. In house competitions, workshops, expert lectures, cleanliness drives and social activities are carried out throughout the academic year. Various committees are formed for smooth implementation of programmes under able guide ship of our faculty members. As a result, our college has won prizes and praise even at state level competitions and accredited with A grade for Saptadhara activities in past.

NoCompetitionDharaDateNo. of ParticipantsRankWinnerClass
1DrawingRang Kala Kaushalya31/8/1803IMuliyana Manali F.Y.B.Sc.
IIThesiya Mayanka T.Y.B.Sc .
IIIMira Ummesalama T.Y.F.N.
2Best out of waste31/8/1802ISappa Sahista T.Y.H.M.
IISondagar Dhruvi T.Y.H.M.
3Hastakala Hobby1/9/1803ISondagar Dhruvi T.Y.H.M.
IIKiyada Tirthangi T.Y.B.Sc .
IIISappa Sahista T.Y.H.M.
4Rangoli1/9/1804IFaldu Rutva S.Y.H.Sc .
IIDave Pal F.Y.B.Sc .
IIThesiya Mayanka T.Y.B.Sc .
IIILimbasiya Niyati S.Y.H.Sc .
5Solo song(Sugam Sangeet)Geet Sangeet Nritya31/8/1806IJoshi Siddhi T.Y.B.Sc .
IIJethava Neha T.Y.B.Sc .
IIINirmal Hemangi S.Y.B.Sc .
6Western Solo Song31/8/1805IManek Madhvee S.Y.B.Sc .
IIPandya Darshana S.Y.B.Sc .
IIITimbal Bhumika S.Y.B.Sc .
Cultural Committee (Saptadhara)

Gyan DharaMs.D.M.OzaIn charge
Kala-kaushalya DharaDr.(Ms)D.M.VasavadaIn charge
Seva samudayik DharaDr.(Ms)V.S.SamaniIn charge
Geet Sangeet Nritya DharaMs.H.K.BhadaniyaIn charge
Sarjanatmak Abhivyakti DharaMs.N.P.DesaiIn charge
Yog Vyayam Khel-kud DharaDr.(Ms)B.P.KhoyaniIn charge
Natya DharaDr. C.M.ThakerIn charge