Alumni Association
Alumni Association was first formed in 2007. The general body of the Alumni Association was formed in the year 2011 by the following in house members

Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Ms.N.P.Desai | President |
2 | Ms. J.P.Sheth | Secretary |
3 | Dr.(Ms) D.M.Vasavada | Members |
4 | Ms. N.H.Parmar | Members |
5 | Dr.(Ms) C.M.Rayjyguru | Members |
6 | Ms.J.B.Ranpara | Members |
7 | Ms.H.K.Bhadaniya | Members |
8 | Dr.(Ms)B.M.Vaid | Members |
9 | Dr.(Ms)D.J.Jotangiya | Members |
10 | Ms.I.S.Buddhdev | Members |
11 | Dr.(Ms)B.P. Khoyani | Members |
Activities and support from the Alumni Association
The alumnae cooperate with the institution and activities are arranged with the help and support of the Alumni Association. The support and cooperation of the alumnae is in terms of sharing expertise and competence with the students. Following is a glimpse of some of the activities:
- Alumna Ms. Apeksha Joshi offered her expertise in a workshop in Fabric Painting by Jaldhara Group from 06-11/08/07. Many alumnae were present in this Fabric Painting workshop.
- Alumna Ms. Lalita Akbari arranged a workshop of her daughter Ms. Shaily Akbari on Abstract Painting on 26th June 2007.
- Members of Alumnae Association enthusiastically participated in the annual cultural function of the institution.
- Alumna Jyotiben Shekhadia demonstrated different stitches of “Machi-work” to students for income generating skill.
- Alumna and also member of the IQAC Ms. Jagruti Dholariya organizes elocution competition every year on “Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta” on the day of “Geeta Jayanti”
- On 27/08 /2011 debate competition was arranged and 11 participates had taken part in that. Winners are as under 1. Vinita Pande S.Y. B.Sc.
- 2. Nilofer Bhtti S.Y. B.Sc.
- 3. A Radhika jakasania
- B. Disha Majithia F.Y.B.Sc.
- Inter class ras garba Competition was held on 28/09/2011 and ain this competition alumni association also was in.