Academic Events
A UGC sponsored State Level seminar entitled “Emerging Trends And Scope In Home Science” was organized on February 01, 2009 by Home Science Department
A UGC sponsored State Level seminar entitled “Emerging Trends And Scope In Home Science” was organized on February 01, 2009, a first of its kind in the institution. The event was conducted in collaboration with Balaji Wafers Pvt. Ltd., a reputed snack food industry of the nation -again a first incidence at state level where a reputed food industry was a collaborator in such an academic event. 250 participants were registered from across the state. Direction by the Principal, Dr. K.J.Ganatra and teamwork of members of the Organizing Committee made the event successful.
Dr. Bhavana Desai, Principal, Sheth P.T. Mahila College of Arts & Home Science, Surat was the key note speaker. Mr. Jay Sachdev from Balaji Wafers Pvt. Ltd. was a special speaker on HOME SCIENTISTS AND FOOD INDUSTRY – A GROWING SYMBIOSIS who highlighted the contribution of home scientists in food industries, and the growing potential of making career in food industries.

Vice Chancellor, Saurashtra University, at Inauguration ceremony of UGC sponsored Seminar “Emerging Trends and Scope in Home Science” organized by the college on February 01, 2009

A UGC sponsored National Level Workshop on “NanoScience and NanoTechnology: A Curriculum Development Approach” was organized on February 21, 2010 by Physics Department

A national workshop was organized with the aim of understanding of new, nano technology and science at pure and applied level. Under this concept, subject experts were invited. The keynote speaker was Dr.A.K.Tyagi, Head, Solid State Chemistry Division, BHABHA ATOMIC RESERCH CENTER Mumbai, for talk on synthesis of nano materials by use of soft chemistry. Two speakers were from pure science – Head Prof.Dr. Manocha and Prof. Dr. Ms.Manocha from Material Science,department V.V.Nagar. For applied side, Head Prof. Dr.Arun Pratap and Asso.Prof. Dr. Prakash Joshi were invited from Applied Physics Department, M.S. University. All speakers delivered fruitful talk.
Finally Panel Discussion was held, which was presided by material scientist and Prof.Dr. D.G. Kuberkar, Department of Physics Saurashtra university.

The highlight of workshop was participation from all kinds of academic areas like, professors of P.G. Department of University, principals, HODs, senior faculty of various science and engineering colleges from all over the state, and students from all over state and outside. The curriculum was developed for two papers at U.G. level as elective subject. The workshop was organized by Physics Department of the college, under the leadership of principal of the college.
National Conference on Environment And Climate was organized on February 13, 2011 by Biology Department
Biology Department of the college organized a national conference on “Environment and Climate” in collaboration with International Society of Science and Technology, Mumbai. The event received an overwhelming response from faculty and students, with about 600 registrations and over 225 papers – figures that speak of grandiose success. The pre lunch session was for special speakers while the post lunch session was for oral and poster and presentations in parallel sessions.

The institution was privileged to have Dr. Naresh Fitter (Director, Office of Commissioner of Higher Education, Gujarat), Dr. Vedant Pandya (Director, Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat), and Dr. H.B. Dave (Dy. Director of Fisheries, Rajkot) on the event. The speakers included Dr. Y.T.Jasrai (Head, Dept. of Botany, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad), Dr. P.M. Dongre (Head, Dept. of Biophysics, University of Mumbai) and Dr. M.S. Mulgaonkar(Head, Dept. of Botany, University of Mumbai). Dr. A.P. Goswami was the Organizing Secretary, and Dr. Teraiya was the Co-ordinator for the conference.